Naturopath Stress Solutions in Kingston WA

Naturopath Stress Solutions in Kingston WA

Naturopath Stress Solutions in Kingston WA

Everyone has stress. But, what really IS stress? Stress is our body's natural way of handling pressuring situations or events. Our body is an amazing machine. Stress impacts everyone. It can impact the way you feel on a daily basis. Good stress and pressure can be used to motivate us to meet challenges and tasks. However, if stress lasts too long or is not properly managed, it can damage your health in the long term.

High stress can link to headaches, depression & anxiety, heart disease, sleep deprivation, obesity, and immune system problems. Stress can also prolong illnesses in the body. Unhealthy ways to cope with stress can include drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use, emotionally lashing out, and binge eating. If you are struggling with stress in Kingston WA contact our clinic today.

Managing Stress In Kingston WA

One approach to coping with stress is to use mindfulness. Mindfulness is the state of being fully aware of what is happening right now at the moment without judgment. Some benefits of being mindful are reducing stress, having better relationships, decreasing anxiety/depression, improving focus and memory, and increasing immune function.

There are a few mindful meditation exercises that can help quiet the stress lingering in the body. The first one is called “One Minute of Mindfulness.” Sit quietly and focus on breathing for one whole minute. The best way to breathe during this exercise is to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Listen to your breathing. The second one is called “Mindful Observation.” Observe an object in the room. Submerge the attention to just the object. Listen to your breathing. The third one is called “Ten Second Counts.” Close your eyes and count to ten. Avoid being distracted by other thoughts. Do this for ten seconds.

There are also a couple of apps you can download from the iTunes store for your phone or tablet. Pranayama is a guided breathing app. NatureSpace is a sound effect aid and image app. Relax Lite is a guided body scan to help manage stress. Zazen Lite is an app that uses mindfulness and a timer. These apps cannot eliminate stress, but, rather, they can help resolve some outlining stress factors in our life.

Another natural way to cope with stress is to exercise. Exercise can be therapeutic when focused on the breathing aspect of the activity. Walking at least 10 minutes during the day a few days a week can help relieve stress in life. Also, there are many apps available to download for quick 10-minute exercises, including yoga and stretching. Remember, music can also contribute to a healthy exercise routine and workout to manage stress.

Remember, we can never control the ongoing stress of our lives. It often is out of our hands. However, we can control HOW we deal or cope with stress. Stress is not in your control. You must accept the things you cannot change. Take action in becoming healthy for YOU and your loved ones.

Natural treatments that support healthy stress management include acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage, and naturopathic care with vitamins, herbal supplements, and dietary counseling. Instead of unhealthy ways of coping with stress, take the natural route for a better and healthier you!

At Foundation Chiropractic, our team is here to help answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us today at (360) 297-0037.


9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

11:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 5:00pm

10:00am - 11:00am


Foundation Chiropractic

10900 NE State Hwy 104
Kingston, WA 98346

(360) 297-0037